Lucas Rumney


Practice doesn't make perfect - Practice makes mistakes.


I want to create things. I want to improve my ability to express my creativity. In order to improve, I need to practice the skills I have every day. In order to force myself to practice every day, I need to have weekly goals. If I can achieve a milestone every week, I will constantly be making progress and feel accomplished and encouraged. In order to achieve something each week, the achievement needs to be of a relatively small and manageble scale. I will focus on creating small things to enable myself to complete them and move on quickly. Over time, I will become faster at completing things, until I can create something of note in a week's time. I expect to fail and create horrible things, but that cannot possibly be the case every single time I create something. At the conclusion of a longer time frame, I will stop and re-assess my progress and next steps.

Lex Specialis

I want to create software experiences. I want to improve my ability to express my creativity more succinctly and effectively. Every day, I will write software for at least an hour. My weekly goal is to have completed a small Application with a single purpose or topic by each Sunday night. The Application will be purpose-built, containing no extra infrastructural or extraneous features. The only exception to this rule will be setting up a template project to skip the boilerplate setup for each project. The Application will be source controlled and archived to track my progress against previous work. The Application will have non-binary artifacts such as logs, stills, or videos to represent the project without having to rebuild the project. I will record my failures and successes alike. At the end of 4 months (16 weeks) I will assess my progress and next steps.

Nota Bene

  1. Get the mistakes out of the way
  2. The Best is the Enemy of the Good - Voltaire